Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wayward Trio

When the horses aren't by the hay or at the house every morning for their rations, I usually figure they've found a way out and have taken off for a hike. Since Thursday I haven't seen them. This morning, I went to look for them, hoping they weren't on the other mountain again.

They weren't far away. Not in the first place I looked, but at least the second, and I didn't have to make the long hike up the mountain and over the pass to get them from the other side of my world at least.

Actually, they can stay where they are for a while. They found a way into an area we usually keep fenced off for gardening and my sons have a deer food plot up there. None of that is in use during this time of year and there's still grass for them to eat, so I just took this picture and left the gate open on my way out.


NitWit1 said...

So glad mountain climbing was not in the mix for finding the horses. It is hard enough to find a lost dog!

Roxann said...

haha, Nitwit1, they were so close to the house (as the crow flies) they could have at least answered me when I called them. I've only lost one dog out here, and I never did find her. Glad I don't have to search for them often, they're a lot harder to spot, lol.

flowerweaver said...

They knew a good meal when they saw it! Glad they weren't too lost. Wishing you and your family a happy holiday!