Sunday, December 12, 2010

Cold, Blustery day

It's a cold, blustery day here in the Ozarks. Wind is gusting and the wind chill is down to around 7*F...pretty chilly!

Last night I was battling a virus on my computer and today I got rid of InternetExplorer altogether and that seems to have been the fix. Now I'm using Avant for my browser and so far, so good.

Today I realized I forgot to leave the water running last night. It will be Wednesday before it warms enough to thaw my upstairs lines now. Someone remembered to turn it on downstairs last night, thank goodness, so at least we have water somewhere.

It's a good day to stay inside.


NitWit1 said...

It is 21 deg here in North Central AR near MO line and wind chill of 9 deg. In the a.m. is supposed to be around 9 deg. and no telling what the wind chill will be.

I have just opened two faucets and our furnace runs at 70 deg. night and day IF electricity stays on. We hand some outages due to wind damage in next county this a.m.

NitWit1 said...

well it is 8:22 in the Ozarks where we live;temp. is 23 deg. not telling what wind chill is and it is suppowed to get to 9 deg by a.m.

Roxann said...

It's the same forecast here, NitWit1. My faucets are still going downstairs, but it never thawed out upstairs. Still no hot water, either, but at least there's plenty propane to warm water on the stove. Hope your power stays on!