Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Glaciers in the Driveway

We still have Glacier #1 and #2 in our driveway. The first one, coming from the house, is a thick bed of ice caused by a small tributary to the creek which parallels the driveway. It still flows in the attempt to reach the creek, but just keeps building layers of ice once it reaches the driveway. Coming off of it is easier than getting onto it to go up the hill. Just have to be careful not to hit the brakes if you’re not happy about your speed at the point of contact. The second is a large flat sheet of ice that makes for fun slipping and sliding. This one is caused by the spring overflowing the tank on top of that hill. The water seeps out at the base of the hill and spreads out, freezing layer upon layer. 4-wheelers and the 4WD jeep do just fine getting us across our glaciers, but we have left the other 2WD vehicles parked on the other side until it melts. Hopefully, it will be gone by the weekend :)

Upstairs seems to be all dried now with no evidence of water anywhere. Whew.


NitWit1 said...

Watch the slipping and sliding!!
So glad to hear the water damage was nil to none.

I guess it can be said you caught it in the nick or time.

Roxann said...

Hi Nitwit :)

~I~ don't do much slipping and sliding, but the kids are enjoying it. It's the closest thing to ice skating out here, lol.

This eve while I was waiting on the other side for youngest to come get me on the 4-wheeler, I thought I'd try to walk up. Boy, that was a mistake! I slipped and slid back to the car to wait for my ride, lol.

flowerweaver said...

Walking on glaciers is tricky business. Hope you are dry and warm soon!

Roxann said...

flowerweaver - gosh, after doing without water all summer, and just recently getting some, it really had to irk at least a little to lose it! has your water defrosted yet? we never lost cold, just hot.