Sunday, November 29, 2009

Did it Again

I'm getting better at this, so practice must help. Another deer down - a doe and on Hwy. 74, again. This time, though, I managed to slow down enough so that it hit on the corner of the front bumper and only busted one fog light and cracked the headlight. I rarely get over 50 on that stretch of highway, anyway, but I was going slower than that this time because I'd already slowed for a few deer before this one a mile or so before. It helped that I was driving the full size truck and not a small car or the jeep full of plastic grill. The deer flew over a steep embankment and I couldn't retrieve it. So, there's a new set of burnt rubber on the pavement.


Anonymous said...

Quit hitting the deer! ....bob

Joyce Paski said...

Thank Goodness you weren't hurt! Say, you could ship all the deer you don't want by me -- the hunters are all complaining that there are no deer this year (thanks to the DNR)!

Anonymous said...

Question: What's the difference between a dead deer in the road and a dead lawyer?

Answer: Skid marks in front of the deat

Roxann said...

LOL. I left some skid marks for sure. Joyce, how can you not have deer?! We've got so many, it's an obstacle course just to get somewhere without hitting one. Zack hit one yesterday morning, now, in his truck.

Diane said...

They are everywhere in Illinois, I live in rural Illinois, you gotta be careful on the roads because of the deer.

NitWit1 said...

Wow!That is a lot of incidents which could lead to accidents. We have a deer problem in my little town. There is a bow hunt every two years but it does not dent the population at all.

Diane said...

In the town where I grew up about 30 miles north of my present location, the local firemen and police would close the local forest preserve for a day and go in and hunt the deer because there were more deer than the preserve could feed and the deer were coming into the town. Then they would donate the deer meat to orphanages in the Chicago area to help feed the kids. A great idea. Don't know if they are still doing that but hope they are.

Anonymous said...

Rest assured, you are not the only "deer murderer". I too hit a big buck just outside Jasper on Monday - $4200 damage to my Suburban, which I just bought a month ago. Instant kill of the deer, which has been processed right away - expensive steaks.....
