Sunday, October 18, 2009

First Frost

This picture did not capture the color or the image I wanted to share. It is the view from my bedroom balcony and the sun was just popping over the mountain to the east at 8:20 a.m. And then my camera battery went dead again. Something must be wrong with my battery, because I'd just charged it the other day when this happened, so I probably will need to buy a new one soon. Anyway, this morning it was just below freezing and a layer of frost coated all the windshields. It was our first frost. The sun has been up a couple hours, but situated as we are in a valley with mountains close beside, it takes a while for it to get high enough to shine into my window. When it shines on the opposing mountains and valley, it lights up the colors of the western side. The battery is back on the charger again, but the lighting won't be the same by the time it's ready to reload, unfortunately. Maybe tomorrow will give another opportunity. It's been raining and overcast so much lately, that this is the first time I've seen the sun so bright in the morning in a long time. It was a welcome sight!


Diane said...

Good morning. You picture is still beautiful. I live in Illinois and we had our first frost a week ago or so but not a hard frost. This morning however a very hard frost. I also just bought a cookbook from Ebay with recipes from the Ozarks. Weird that I found your blog today. Hope you don't mind if i follow your blog.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the photo. You have a wonderful view.

The official high temperature here yesterday was 102 degrees -- we set a record. The temp gauge in my backyard read 105.

Don't forget to winterize your water system ......bob

Linda Foley said...

Here is N. California we got our first frost on the 1st. It was a week early this year...

I always loved the Ozarks and even moved there twice. I'd live there again if circumstances were different. Almost any place you could live would have a beautiful view! Yours is very nice as well...

Roxann said...

I thank all of y'all for following my blog and checking in from time to time.

Diane, what kind of recipes are in your book? At least poke sallet (good stuff!) is in there, I'm sure.

Bob, I just can't believe the difference in temps from here to there - incredible. It rarely gets that hot here, and if it does, that kind of weather doesn't last long. Even in the worst of summer, the nights are still in the 70's, at least.

Linda, in what part of the Ozarks did you live?

Linda Foley said...

I lived close to Flippin Arkansas the first time and the second time I lived near Nashville, Arkansas. I visited Missouri a couple of times and thought that was nice also...

I really think if I even needed to move from here (N.California) I would again move to the Ozarks!

Diane said...

Just purchased the Ozark cookbook yesterday. Will get back to you when I receive it. Can't wait to see it, I'm excited.

Carol Murdock said...

A frosty morning in the Ozarks is a beautiful thing to behold! :)