Monday, November 12, 2007

This weekend I harvested the short row of green onions I had planted late this summer. My neighbor laughed because I was planting onions at this time of year, but these are not bulbing onions and they grew plenty enough for what I needed. You can use the whole onion, including the bottoms, but I cut them off at about 3" so I can replant the bottoms. This herb is essential, it is the essence, of cajun cooking! I know the hispanics use it in their dishes, too, so I can never have enough of it. It is delicious added fresh on top of chili and mexican rice, and it is delicious added fresh on top of a steaming bowl of chicken and sausage gumbo. It is delicious cooked in with crawfish stew or rabbit sauce picante, with a fresh handful added right before pulling off the fire. I just can't cook good food without them!

And I have more to say about these green onions, lol. These are special because they came from my grandpa's garden. He gave me the bulbs and now they've all divided several times over and I can plant many times more next year than I planted this year. I'll sell them at the farmer's market and through my little CSA, and I'll offer an incentive to return the bottoms to me so I can plant them again. So this is an heirloom plant and it's one I dearly love for many reasons.


pelican11 said...

great blog, keep up the good work.

(from gonzales)

Roxann said...

Hi Rhett (from Gonzales)!

Thanks for visiting my blog. I don't get over to the STA site enough to keep up with everyone's posts over there, but I sure enjoy checking in from time to time.

Anonymous said...

Keep us up to date
Looks Good

Roxann said...

So farmer Steve, what's been going on in your neck of the woods? Are you and the family going down for Thanksgiving or staying up here? We haven't decided yet, but my sister and her family will likely be up here at their land.

Haha, I haven't had a whole lot of luck with my garden this year, so getting the green onions was pretty fantastic. I did have a nice crop of yellow onions, too, but didn't start them early enough. Next year I'll know better. And I've got garlic in the ground now, so there's hope yet ;)

Ya'll take care!

Anonymous said...

we will be here and you a'll are invited, any day you chose can be Thanksgiving. Farmers don't do days,
just seasons,:)